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Let's talk robotics with Dr Aim Sinpeng

Aim Sinpeng is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Sydney. An award-winning author and educator, her research focuses on the intersection of tech and politics with a regional focus on Southeast Asia. Her current projects include 'AI and Gender Bias in STEM education in Asia,' a collaboration with Google and 'Cyber repression in Thailand,' a 3-year project funded by the Australian Research Council that looks at how state agencies employ AI and surveillance software to repress and manage dissent.

W: sydney.edu.au/arts/government_international_relations/staff/profiles/aim.sinpeng.php 

Latest booksOpposing Democracy in the Digital Age: The Yellow Shirts in Thailand (open access), University of Michigan Press// "From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation: Social Media in Southeast Asia, ISEAS

Latest articles"Crowdsourcing Dictatorship in Thailand" (2022) Asian Journal of Comparative Politics//"Journalism in the Age of Digital Autocracy: A Comparative ASEAN Perspective" (2022) Journal of ASEAN Studies//"Digital Activism as a Pathway to Trade Union Revitalization" (2022) International Journal of Labour Research

Latest reportsDisinformation on Democracy in Asia, Brookings (2022)//Women's Political Leadership in ASEAN, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (2022).


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Let's talk robotics with Dr Aim Sinpeng